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World Fantastic Cinema

Curse of the Malayan Vampire

Vampire Love

Info 15 ne  HD / Color /
Director Ellie Suriaty OMAR
Country Malaysia
Release 2012
96 Min
Category Feature/Fiction
Premiere World Premiere
Code Theater Time
120 CGV Bucheon 8 07/19  20:00
246 Lotte Cinema Bucheon 2 07/20  15:30
611 CGV Bucheon 7 07/24  17:00


A film tells the story of a woman named Murni who is forced to carry the curse of the Penanggal. Death looms wherever she goes as she is neither able to control nor to defeat the demon inside her. But the villagers have begun looking for Murni/The Penanggal, and the more destruction she brings to the village, the more eager they are of killing her.


Director : Ellie Suriaty OMAR

Born in 1971, she is an actress, screenwriter and director. She began her acting career in 1999 and is well-known for an actress. In 2003, she directed TV movie, Seriau which was commercially successful. And the film, Curse of the Malayan Vampire is her first feature film.
